Posted by: Patricia Salkin | May 25, 2015

TX Governor Signs New Law Preventing Municipalities from Banning Fracking

Following a voter approved ban on fracking in Denton, TX, the governor of Teaxs, Greg Abbott, signed a new law (HB 40) prohibiting municipalities from enacting such bans.  According to the New York Times last week, “Lawmakers moved Monday to prohibit Texas cities from banning hydraulic fracturing and other potentially environmentally harmful oil and natural gas drilling activities within their boundaries, a major victory for industry groups and top conservatives. The state scrambled to limit local energy exploration prohibitions after Denton, a university town near Dallas, passed an ordinance in November against fracking, trying to keep encroaching drilling outside their community. The measure by Representative Drew Darby, a San Angelo Republican, allows communities to regulate things above ground such as noise, traffic and lighting associated with oil and gas activities, but forbids most limits on activity below the surface. The bill passed the Senate on Monday and was sent to Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, who is expected to sign it.”

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