Posted by: Patricia Salkin | July 20, 2020

Housing for Diversity: Ending Segregation Through Zoning

The Planning Law Division of the American Planning Association is hosting a webinar on Housing for Diversity: Ending Segregation Through Zoning

Thursday, July 30, 2020
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CT

CM I 1.50 I Law
CLE 1.50 through Illinois State Bar

In 1974, the Supreme Court declared it constitutional for a locality to limit zoning districts to detached homes occupied by traditional, blood-related families.  Now, nearly 50 years later, the viability and fairness of that ruling is debatable as the effects of race-, ethnic-, and income-segregated housing are laid bare in recent national events, increasing numbers of people choose nontraditional living arrangements, sharing economy platforms such as AirBnB offer seemingly unlimited opportunities for communal living, and traditional forms of housing are becoming increasingly unaffordable for many people.  This panel of legal and policy experts will address the ways in which local governments can and should be modernizing zoning regulations to accommodate inclusion and modern living arrangements, with an eye toward achieving greater access to and fairness in housing.  In addition to developing policy solutions, speakers will offer specific recommendations for code drafting and other regulatory programs.

Speakers include Sara Bronin, Esq., Lisa Alexander, Esq., Kellen Zale, Esq., and Brian Connolly, Esq.

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